Scout Active Support comprises adults who, in most cases, would like to be involved with Scouting but cannot make the full time commitment of being a leader. We support the District Commissioner and her team, the District Executive, and Scout Groups.
Who can join?
Parents, helpers, supporters, network members, existing and former leaders can join Active Support - all that you need is a willingness to volunteer some of your time.
What do we do?
Some of the activities in which we get involved are:
- Support at large events (e.g. stewarding, car parking, BBQs, etc.)
- Providing occasional temporary cover at group sectional meetings
- Assisting with the Gang Show
- Helping with the maintenance of the campsite at Invertrossachs.
- Skills training and badge work
- Fund Raising
In addition to supporting scouting, we run some social activities to encompass the very important “fellowship” element of Scouting.
SAS in Stirling & Trossachs District would be delighted to hear from any potential volunteers - you can contact our District Commissioner, Colin Robertson by completing this form!