Following a site meeting with the Forestry Contractor yesterday, we can report the following:

East Burnside: following discussions and assurances, we can re-open East Burnside for camping. No access is permitted to the west side of the stream; both footbridges are closed.

West Burnside: This will remain closed and out of bounds until further notice as there is felling to be carried out adjacent to the campsite. The area will not be totally cleared of lumber and brashings until mid-to-late October, so will remain closed until then.

Woodland: This site is, as expected, pretty well devastated because of the number of Larch trees in the vicinity. However, with most of the felling now complete, the camping area, the path up to it, the boardwalk and the dining shelter remain largely intact, and we must thank the Contractor and the Estate management for taking such care in protecting these. This site is likely to remain closed until next spring.

The Booking Secretary is ready to process any requests for use of the site. Please note that the whole centre will close from 21st October for 3 weeks to allow essential maintenance to proceed.

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