Training - Overview
Welcome to Adult Leader Training in Stirling & Trossachs...
Training is broken down into a number of modules, some of which are specific to your particular role. These modules may be available online via the Scouts web site or may require face to face training. These courses will be available at the times detailed in the calendars on the following pages. You will be allocated a Training Advisor who may be your GSL but will typically be someone local to the group. Online training modules are here |
Validation is required to ensure that you have understood the training. Your Training Advisor (TA) will carry out the validation via a chat, a visit to a programme night or in other ways as advised in the Leader’s Training Guide here |
Getting Started is a set of modules which should be taken within 5 months of taking up a role. These are all based around e-learning. They also include setting up a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and validation of one module which would be done with your TA. A PLP is shown on the next page |
Safety & Safeguarding are two modules which are mandatory (along with first aid) and must be repeated at least every three years. They are available as e-learning. They are initially done as part of Getting Started. GDPR (data protection) should also be taken with Getting Started. |
First Aid (also known as First Response) is mandatory to be renewed every 3 years. There are various options for completing this course: face to face or hybrid |
A Nights Away Permit is required before leaders can support young people on a residential experience. The achievement of this can validate the Residential Experiences course Module 16, although module 38 is often taken to support. |
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The Wood Badge is achieved following the remaining relevant modules. These include People modules around leadership skills, promoting positive behaviour, Growing the section, Working with Adults and Supporting Young People. The Programme includes modules to assist with programme planning, safe activities, practical skills and International. |
Compass is a database used to record all leader training. Access to this is permitted after completion of the Appointment process (Getting started modules, an Appointments panel meeting and successful Disclosure). |
Good Luck! Much of this training should be enjoyable as well as a chance to meet with your fellow leaders. Your TA and your GSL should be your main contact but if you need any help please contact Nick Cowie (Assistant District Commissioner for Adult Training) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our Facebook group |
The remaining pages in the Training menu cover the following :
- Training Schedule - provides dates of courses throughout Forth Region for the Year
- Next Availability - in the form of a PLP, provides notice of when the next provision of a particular course is
- Training Advisors - provides the name of the training advisor or training contact for your group
- Safety - shows the Yellow Card for Safeguarding and Safety