New Booking Secretary for Invertrossachs
As some of you will already know, after 7 years in the post of Booking Secretary, Carla Wilson has stepped down from the role, but we have been very lucky in finding such an able replacement in Catherine Collington. Cath is already getting to grips with the booking procedures, and it has been something of a baptism of fire as she has had to deal with the start up of the centre for day use and then for camping. I'm sure you will find Cath every bit as helpful as Carla in dealing with your bookings and enquiries.
I would like to thank Carla for her tireless work over the years, for being our first point of contact for the site, and the quiet competance with which she dealt with the unusual and unexpected, as well as the mundane. I know that latterly she was finding it challenging, due to extra pressures at work caused by the Covid pandemic, and I am sure you will join with me in wishing Carla all the best.
We are also at this time carrying out a review of our booking process. An amended procedure will in place for next year, details of which will be uploaded to the Invertrossachs webpages in late November, and will include a new Booking Form, Payment Form, and Water Activity Enquiry Form.
Colin Smith (Warden, Invertrossachs)