As some of you will already know, after 7 years in the post of Booking Secretary, Carla Wilson has stepped down from the role, but we have been very lucky in finding such an able replacement in Catherine Collington. Cath is already getting to grips with the booking procedures, and it has been something of a baptism of fire as she has had to deal with the start up of the centre for day use and then for camping. I'm sure you will find Cath every bit as helpful as Carla in dealing with your bookings and enquiries.

I would like to thank Carla for her tireless work over the years, for being our first point of contact for the site, and the quiet competance with which she dealt with the unusual and unexpected, as well as the mundane. I know that latterly she was finding it challenging, due to extra pressures at work caused by the Covid pandemic, and I am sure you will join with me in wishing Carla all the best.

We are also at this time carrying out a review of our booking process. An amended procedure will in place for next year, details of which will be uploaded to the Invertrossachs webpages in late November, and will include a new Booking Form, Payment Form, and Water Activity Enquiry Form. 

Colin Smith (Warden, Invertrossachs)

Our District Commissioner, Jo Cookson, is very pleased to announce the following appointments within the District Team.


  • Deputy District Commissioner  - Mark Wright
  • District Explorer Administrator - Julie Gough
  • Assistant District Commissioner Youth Involvement  - Gwen Wells & Caitlin Campbell (job share)


Congratulations to you all and good luck in your new roles! (and don't panic, none of them are giving up any of their existing roles within Groups or District just yet!)

A couple more roles will likely be announced shortly!

We have created a Water Sports Information Document to explain all things water based!

We are hoping this resource will be useful for those wanting to find out more about what is on offer and how to get involved and gain a permit. 

A link to the document can be found HERE or in the Resources -> Water Activities -> Water Sports Information section of the website. 

If you have any questions please get in touch with one of the water team.

The main training page has been updated :
First Aid (First Response) is primarily delivered as follows :
Module 10A - First Aid Theory - (this must be completed before attending 10B and takes around 2.5hours)
Module 10B is available locally by booking with  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
 The next course with availability is :
  • 11 December  1-4pm

The barrier will be locked from around 6.00 p.m. on a Friday until the Sunday evening. It will also be locked on Public Holidays.

Groups visiting Invertrossachs should follow the guidance below. 

  • Everyone in your group who is likely to visit the site is to be given the barrier access code. This will be issued to the applicant by the Booking Secretary. It will be changed monthly.
  • A responsible adult is to be in attendance at the barrier to oversee and assist vehicles, associated with the scout activity, entering (and subsequently leaving) the Estate once their child has been dropped off. Parents are to be advised of this time slot.
  • A similar arrangement and time slot is required at the end of the event.
  • Anyone entering or leaving the Estate outwith these time slots must ensure that the barrier is closed and padlocked behind them.

The important thing to remember is that the barrier should not be left open and unattended at any time.

On Mondays through to Fridays (public holidays excepted) there should be no restriction to access and you should leave the barrier as you find it.

It is hoped that with the installation of a permanaent barrier, the safety and security of the properties within the estate, including the scout centre, will be enhanced. Until such time, we will have to tolerate the present arrangement and try to manage our comings and goings so as to keep the residents satisfied.

As some of you will have experienced, access to the Estate at weekends has been disrupted during the last year, with the residents having to padlock the barrier at weekends. Day trippers, visitors and random campers have been ignoring the Private Road and No Access signs and have caused grief, disruption and aggravation to the residents, leaving them little choice but to close the barrier. The residents are now looking to install a more permanent, electrically operated, barrier, so it looks like this feature is here to stay. It will cause some inconvenience to those visiting the campsite as it will require that everyone, from parents through to leaders and helpers, will need to be notified in advance of the code number, (and yes, it will be yet another code number). However, it is hoped that with the introduction of this measure, security and safety of the camp site will be enhanced.

Carla, the Booking Secretary, will issue the code number upon receipt of bookings, We have been informed that, at the moment, the barrier will only be locked at weekends and public holidays, but I would advise that groups coming to Invertrossachs outwith these times also should still share the code with anyone likely to need access.

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