14 March 2021

Recently announced relaxations of the Covid 19 Restrictions have resulted in the re-opening of Invertrossachs

Scouting is now at AMBER Readiness level, and outdoor meetings can be held, but with restrictions on numbers and social distancing.

One group at a time can book Invertrossachs. Numbers are limited to 15 (including leaders)

For further information see the Covid 19 Information page in the section Invertrossachs

New ADC Cubs Appointed


With great pleasure we would like to announce the appointment of Kevin Simpson as the new ADC Cubs for Stirling and Trossachs District.


Kevin has a long history in Scouts being a Cub and Scout in Gourock when younger.

For the last years Kevin led a Cub Pack and Den in Basel, Switzerland before moving back to Scotland.


One of Kevin's youngest has joined 11th Bridge of Allan which gave him the opportunity to return back to Scouts.


Please join me in welcoming Kevin to Stirling and Trossachs District and we hope that we will be able to see you for real in the near future.


Kevin can be reached on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Deputy District Commissioner 

Stirling and Trossachs District Scouts


facebook post jpeg


Stirling and Trossachs District are looking for a new District Commissioner


Loacted in an amazing piece of Scotland, rich history of Stirling, Sitrling Castle, Wallace Monument and part of the district being in the Trossachs National Park we have an amazing opporunity to for somebody to lead our active district into the future.

Some statistics:

  • 1,000+  Young People membership
  • 350+  Adult Volunteers
  • 13  Groups
  • 5  Explorer Scout Units
  • 2  Active Scout Support Units
  • 1  Network
  • 1  Water Sports Activity Centre (Invertrossachs)


Click here to see the DC job description

Click here to download application form (A Word copy is available by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


If you are interested or would like any further information, please contact Alasdair Garbett (Our current DC) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


The closing date for any applications is: 15th March 2021


District & Group Role Vacancies - Now Open

2020 have been challenging for all of us on a Scout and personal level with the COVID-19 situation and restrictions. 

This new reality has made all of us re-think the way we provide Scouting activities in the future.


Stirling & Trossachs District Scouts has a few vacancies and we are looking for people that will help us shape and get ready for this new future.

If you feel you are up to the challenge, are enthusiastic and want to work as part of a great team please get in touch!

We are currently looking for:

  • District Commissioner
  • ADC Cubs (Assistant District Commissioner)
  • District Cub Leader
  • District Scout Leader
  • District Explorer Leader

The lastest job descriptions for these roles can be found here: https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/running-things-locally/recruiting-and-managing-volunteers/role-descriptions/district-roles/


We are also looking for some enthusiastic people to help at local Group level

  • Group Scout Leader - 23rd Killearn Scouts
  • Group Scout Leader - 2nd Killin Scouts
  • Group Scout Leader - 33rd Doune Scouts
  • Group Chairperson - 33rd Doune Scouts

The lastest job descriptions for these roles can be found here: https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/running-things-locally/recruiting-and-managing-volunteers/role-descriptions/group-roles/


If you are interested in any of the above roles, please contact Alasdair Garbett (DC) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Invertrossachs now has Stand Up Paddle Boards!

Invertrossachs has been kindly gifted a set of Stand Up Paddle Boards in order to expand what we can offer for Water Activities.

Over the coming months the Water and Invertrossachs groups will be looking at how we can offer training for Leaders and working out pricing for groups to book them. 

This is a great addition to the equipment and opportunities we can offer, and great fun too!

Upcoming Events

(District and Region Events)


click for a larger map