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Whilst Invertrossachs is still closed, the removal of the limit on travelling has allowed Active Support to resume scaled-down workdays at Invertrossachs and aims to get the Centre to a state of readiness by the end of July. Although camping may still be a long way off, the site will be available for day use whenever restrictions allow, and risk assessments both for use of the centre and the operation of water activities are currently being prepared.

Only very occasional visits to check the infrastucture and carry out essential maintence were allowed during lockdown, so the small team from Active Support have their hands full to make the site safe, secure, clean and tidy. Since we had not managed a clean up after the District work day held in mid-March, and the preparation of the site for the new camping season (alas unlikely to happen this year) was incomplete, there is plenty to do.

The 3 campsites have not been touched, and are likely to stay that way for this year, as the grass is knee high and mowing is now impossible - all that is missing is the tumbleweed!

If anyone has to visit Invertrossachs for a particular reason, then please contact Colin Smith to make the arrangements, as it is important that we keep tabs on any visits to the site.


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For those that registered for the Lockdown Unlocked camp - please check your emails as information has been sent with certificates and how you can order badges. 

Please note all badge orders MUST be completed by 30th June 2020 if you would like one.

With the whole of Stirling & Trossachs District moving over to OSM (Online Scout Manager) GOLD level, a lot of new features and options are available as well as people using OSM for the first time.

To help support everybody, we have started an OSM Support team that is available to help you with specific needs, provide training etc.
If you would like any help or information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get back to you asap!

The Invertrossachs Water Activities team are running a Kayak B1 Permit Course in the New Year and are looking for candidates.

This is an opportunity to hone your kayaking skills and to achieve a Scout Association Kayaking Permit for B1 waters. You will start off in a warm, indoor environment, where you can gain more confidence on the water, and develop your personal kayaking skills. You will then progress to Loch Venachar where other aspects of kayaking, group management and weather issues are covered.

The final part of the course is the assessment.

Owing to the limited number of training sessions, we are restricting the course to candidates who have some kayaking skills e.g. can paddle in a straight line and perform basic manoeuvres

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