Callander Scout Group are pleased to have been awarded a Grant from the Co-op for £1831.69, part of the grant application was for new buoyancy aids for Invertrossachs. The grant was more than they applied for and will certainly be put to good use!
Bell Boating for Beavers
With the purchase of 10 Personal Floatation Devices (Buoyancy Aids) size XXS, this opens up the opportunity of running a bell boating activity for Beaver Scouts. The new PFDs are a smaller fit and have leg straps, which will stop them riding up and possibly over the head of the wearer, if immersed. According to the manufacturer they will fit most 6 – 10 year olds.
This mean that MOST beavers should now be able to take part in a bell boating activity, but beaver leaders should be aware that even these small PFDs may not fit tightly enough on smaller beavers. All bell boat helms have been advised that they must not take out anyone whose PFD does not fit properly, so beaver leaders considering this as an activity should make this clear to beavers/parents in advance to avoid disappointment.
Please note below the local rules that will apply when taking beavers bell boating.
Bell Boating – Beavers
- 1 : 1 adult / beaver ratio (not including the helm) is to be maintained at all times. Each adult should be able to swim and has sole responsibility for the beaver in his/her charge. A Young Leader is not classed as an adult.
- A minimum of 5 adults, plus helm, must be in the boat.
- Beavers must wear an approved scout PFD with leg straps. It must be snug fitting. Small beavers will not be allowed to go out if the PFD does not fit properly.
- A bell boat containing any beavers must remain within the B1 limit.
- The Bell Boat helm is to ensure that conditions are suitable – Wind speed no stronger than Force 2; i.e. light winds with the surface of the loch rippled with small wavelets.
- No one on the boat is to change seats during the activity.